The Norwich Terrier Club of America (NTCA) wishes to promote responsible dog-related activities by owners and fanciers of Norwich Terriers. A small, localized (within a limited geographic area) club may join the NTCA for the exchange of information and the mutual support of activities with their Norwich Terriers. Any small, localized club accepted for NTCA membership shall be referred to as an “Affiliated Club.”
An Affiliated Club of the NTCA must maintain a membership of at least ten (10) persons. A club may apply for affiliate membership when it has been approved by The American Kennel Club to hold a Sanctioned “A” Match. An Affiliated Club shall pay no dues to the NTCA.
An Affiliated Club must agree to abide by the NTCA Constitution and Bylaws, Code of Ethics, Standard of the Breed, the rules of The American Kennel Club, and other applicable NTCA agreements.
This application shall be reviewed by the NTCA Board of Directors and may be returned for further information and/or clarification. Affiliate Club status requires an affirmative two-thirds (2/3) vote by the NTCA Board of Directors. A Board of Directors’ approved Affiliated Club Member shall receive written confirmation from the Corresponding Secretary. An Affiliated Club, whose application is declined by the Board of Directors of the NTCA, may reapply after a one (1) year waiting period.
Form NTCA BOD Approved 12-30-2021