Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What if I own more than one Norwich? Can I take the survey more than once?
Yes. This survey pertains to ONE dog. If you have more than one Norwich terrier, please complete a separate survey for each dog. You will need to go back to the survey link to begin a fresh survey.
You may assign an identifier to keep track of your dogs (e.g., Name, or Dog 1, Dog2). We suggest doing this and keeping the list for your records. This will help organize your data entry.
What if my Norwich is deceased? Can I take this survey?
Yes. Please take this survey, for all your Norwich, whether alive or deceased.
How long does the survey take to complete?
The survey is detailed, but we can’t possibly cover everything. The estimated completion time is 7 minutes per dog. For deceased dogs, there are just a few questions, and the estimated completion time is less than 1 minute.
What about dogs that I co-own?
We want to avoid duplicate entries for the same dog. Please coordinate with your co-owners. The questions are detailed and the person most knowledgeable about the lifetime health of the dog should complete the survey. For deceased dogs, we only ask about cause of death, year of death and age at death.
Is the survey data confidential?
Yes. Only summary data will be made public. Also, we do not collect personally identifying information about the dog or owners/breeders.
What can I do if I made a mistake on the survey?
Make sure your responses are accurate because once you hit “submit”, you can’t go back to make changes. If you hit submit, and realize you made a mistake, you can contact the survey administrator to tell us and we may be able correct it – but to do this, we will need the identifier, and the date and approximate time you completed the survey. Another option is we can clear out your entry so you can start fresh.
Will I get to see the results?
Yes. The results will be presented at the NTCA annual health seminar and posted on the NTCA website (October 2021). If you want to be notified when the summary results are posted, there is an option to provide your email address at the end of the survey. The NTCA will not use the email address provided for anything other than notification of posting of the survey results and/or future surveys and health studies.
Your help is greatly appreciated!
NTCA Health Committee
June 2021