NTCA/NTC National Specialty
Come early, stay late for a week of fun!
April 30th – May 7th, 2018
Purina Farms, Gray Summit, MO

A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn in nearby Eureka. RV parking is available at Purina Farms or a nearby campground. Check out the Accommodations Page.
The show superintendent is Jack Onofrio Dog Shows LLC (onofrio.com)
Volunteers are needed to make this event a success. Please contact Hospitality Chair Judy Laffey if you are interested in helping us!
Monday, April 30
9 AM: Building Move-in
All Day: Barnhunt (back to back tests), Main Show Tent
All Day: CERF Clinic, Service Center
Tuesday, May 1
All Day: CAT Tests (back to back), Herding Field
8 AM – 4 PM: Barnhunt Tests (back to back) followed by Intro & Practice, Main Show Tent
12 – 1 PM: Obedience & Rally Timed Practice Registration, Event Center
1 – 2 PM: Performance Foundations Class, Event Center
1:30 – 4 PM: Obedience & Rally Timed Practice, Event Center
3 – 4:30 PM: Agility Intro Class, Event Center
6 PM: Tailgate Happy Hour & Cookout Supper, Purina Service Center
Wednesday, May 2
8 – 10:45 AM: Earthdog Intro & Practice, GoToGrounds Dens
Two Obedience & Rally Trials (AM and PM), CGC Test, Event Center
12 – 5 PM: CAT Intro & Test, Herding Field
4 – 6 PM: NTC Board Meeting, Founders Room
Thursday, May 3
8 – 10:45 AM: Earthdog Intro & Practice, GoToGrounds Dens
9 – 11:30 AM: Norwich AKC Judges Education (sign-up required), Founders Room
9 AM – 2 PM: Tour of Little Italy on the Hill (sign-up required)
1 – 3:30 PM: Norfolk AKC Judges Education (sign-up required), Founders Room
4 – 8 PM: NTCA Board Meeting, Holiday Inn Six Flags
4:30PM – 6 PM: Nose Work Seminar (sign-up required), Founders Room
Friday, May 4
Norfolk Terrier Club National Specialty (Rolla Kennel Club), Judge, Regular Classes: Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine, Judge, Sweepstakes: Mary Jo Sweaney
Norwich Terrier Club of American Supported Entry (Rolla Kennel Club)
6 PM: An Evening at the AKC Museum of the Dog, hosted by Sandra Stemmler, for NTCA & NTC Members and their guests (sign-up required)
Saturday, May 5
Norwich Terrier Club of America National Specialty (Spirit of the Heartland KC), Judge, Regular Classes: Edd Bivin, Judge, Sweepstakes: Georgia R. Crompton (bio)
The Bluebonnet Norfolk Terrier Club Supported Entry (Spirit of the Heartland KC)
All Day: Health Clinic, Service Center
6:30 PM: Norwich and Norfolk Banquet, Holiday Inn Six Flags, Eureka MO, for NTCA & NTC Members and their guests (sign-up required)
Sunday, May 6
Norwich Terrier Club of Greater Chicago Supported Entry (Jefferson Cty KC)
The Norfolk Terrier Club Supported Entry (Jefferson Cty KC)
All Day: Earthdog Tests (back to back tests), GoToGrounds Dens
Monday, May 7
All Day: Norwich & Norfolk Agility Trial, Event Center
Building and RV Move-out